Earn with Mazetropolis
If you like free design files, exclusive giveaways and competitions then you definitely want to join Mazetropolis ambassador program.
Mazetropolis ambassadors get countless benefits
There are multiple reasons to become an ambassador for Mazetropolis. and there are no requirements, but the spots are limited so join while there's a chance to do so!
Free designs
You will get access to additional free designs every week!
Exclusive giveaways
There will be additional giveaway dedicated only to the Mazetropolis ambassadors!
Chance to earn commission
A side from the free designs and exclusive giveaways, you will have a chance to earn commission from the sales that you bring to Mazetropolis website!
What is expected form the ambassadors?
Get involved as much or as little as you want to
When you become an ambassador for Mazetropolis, you can do it all to get access to all the benefits or do just a few things to get some benefits.
Get free designs - make photos and video
The bare minimum that we ask our ambassadors to do is to print the weekly free design and make cool photos as well as a video of the design. If you do the requirements, you will automattically be entered in the giveaway. If we choose to use your photos or videos on our social media pages, you will be entered in additional giveaway!
Want more?
If you want to get the most out of it, you can do everything that's mentioned before (create photos and videos). But to take it a step further, you can publish the videos and photos on your social media pages. Getting people to come to Mazetropolis website and make a purchase will earn you a hefty commission of 25%
Become an Ambassador now!
Don't miss out, get involved, get free designs and start earning with Mazetropolis!